How long you have been away will account for how many chips and vouchers you'll find in the drop box. If the player won 7,500 chips in the Sierra Madre Casino, the voucher will be exchangeable for 1000 chips at the Sierra Madre vending machine. Everytime upon entering the bunker again after being away for 3 days or so, there will be Sierra Madre chips and a Complimentary voucher inside the drop box.

Along one of the walls, someone has scribbled a series of mathematical formulas on a large blackboard.Ī "drop box" (smaller version of a wall safe) can be found across from the wall-mounted terminal just outside the room. You may clean the loot out of the room before going to the Sierra Madre, but the footlocker at the base of the bed (containing Father Elijah's robes) and the terminal on the desk cannot be accessed until after you have returned. Once you have unlocked the door, you will find a Sierra Madre vending machine, both a reloading and work bench, numerous crafting items (notably scrap metal, scrap electronics, and sensor modules), copious amounts of Scotch, Elijah's chemistry set (which offers a Jar of cloud residue every 24 hours), a laser rifle, a combat knife, a T-45d power helmet, and a Dean's Electronics skill book. The room to your left after you descend the stairs is locked. As you descend the stairs, the phrase "Sierra Madre ↓" is written on the overhang.

This corpse is an immovable container, not a body, so although it appears to wear a Dead Money jumpsuit, one cannot be taken from it. There are several Sierra Madre Casino posters on the wall, and the graffiti at the entrance reads "Gone to Sierra Madre" and "I left my ♥ in Sierra Madre." There is a headless male corpse with some minor loot in the first room. The bunker interior is simple - the entrance contains a set of stairs leading to a main corridor from which two rooms can be accessed. However, If one does not have Xbox Live, The entrance will be open. If Dead Money is not installed, the grate will always be locked and un-pickable, and the key to it doesn't exist in the game. Standing on the metal grate to enter the bunker, directly to the east-south-east, is a hollowed-out rock containing random loot.